Playing Cash Flow Taught Me About Myself

Playing Cash Flow Taught Me About Myself

Friends of mine  introduced me to a great game called cash flow. It was developed by Kisosky(author of Rich Dad Poor Dad).  Cash flow is a real life game that teaches you that no matter whether you are a truck driver or a Doctor you can obtain wealth.  This game can be played with up to 6 players   Having an accounting background I understood all the concepts but I was never the first one to reach financial freedom.  The few times I was able to advance out of the rat race into wealth I did so without enough capital to really make it big.

At some point playing the game I realized I have a much bigger appetite for risk than most people.  In fact I now believe risk it is a part of my DNA.  For most of my life I had curved that risk by trying to force myself into a corporate role. Once I became self-employed I felt a freedom I’ve never had.  I decided to start playing the game as my true self and I started to win.  Funny how that made me feel so very good.  Now instead of curving my natural inclination I’m using it to propel my business forward.

Another very interesting point I want to share with you is I had my son at age 12 start playing the game.  The first time he played it was a huge eye opener for him.  Since that time he has developed a concrete plan on how he will develop wealth himself.   Using the concepts of the game he just bought his first apple computer.  He actually projected his cash flow on paper from his job to determine how many weeks it would take to earn that computer.  Taking him to the apple store to buy it and seeing how excited he was about the fact that he earned it himself was priceless!

I highly recommend this game to anyone who wants to become financially free.

About the Author

Lynn Drake’s status is well known in the industry: She’s the commercial realtor focused on maintaining “true north” for her corporate clients. It’s a reputation built on 35 years of commercial real estate experience. Lynn became a commercial realtor in 2001 after 15 years in corporate real estate. Thus far in her career, Lynn has successfully completed over 1,500 real estate transactions ranging from small business tenant leases to the sale and purchase of industrial complexes.