“Exclusively Representing Tenants and Buyers of Commercial Real Estate”
Office, Industrial, Retail and Land
- Renewals, Relocations, Acquisitions, Buy or Sell
- Regional, National, International Headquarters
- Research and Development
- Warehouse, Distribution, Manufacturing
- Office Space, Call Center, Sales Office, Legal
- Medical, Nonprofit, Government, Retail

Real Estate Market Analysis
- Acquisitions, Buy or Lease
- Dispositions, Sell or Sublease
- Lease Renewals
- Sale Leaseback
- Financial Analysis

Lease Management
- Lease Abstracts
- Tax & Operating Audits
- Lease Administration

Surplus Property Analysis
- Marketability
- Highest and Best Use
- Disposition Strategies

Other Services
- Project Management
- Move Management
- Space Design
- State Incentives

International Services
- Site Selection
- Project Management