CRE Mistakes Series: Opening Multiple Offices Across the Country at Once
Sometimes a business will win an account, and in order to fulfill their contract they need to open three new offices in 30 days. So, someone flies out to the new state and starts driving around trying to find a space. When they call to inquire about space and say that they need the new space in 30 days, agents infer that the person is being evicted from their space, hence the reason for the quick turnaround. Often, calls won’t be returned, or they will ask for huge security deposits. A better solution is to contact a firm that leases executive space across the country and enter into a 90-day agreement in all the required locations. Then, when you go visit that state, you have a space to interview job candidates, and it gives your firm the right amount of time to find space.
Remember the rule, “You can have something fast, or cheap, or easy, but you can’t have all three at once.”