Don’t Forget to Check the RFP Against the Lease!

Don’t Forget to Check the RFP Against the Lease!

You may recall we spoke about the importance of RFPs recently and we’ve also written about the top mistakes that tenants make. One such mistake we see often is that tenants don’t check the RFP against the final lease. A good agent will do this for you automatically. Many agents will affectionately tell you that they are cowboys – their duty is to find you the best space, but once they do that, they’re gone. You look around and you’re left not truly knowing what everything means, and then, you’ve got all this information but no idea how to compare it.

If your agent is a “cowboy,” make sure you also hire an attorney who can make the comparisons for you. Or better yet, fire your cowboy and find a true tenant representative who will look out for you through thick and thin, and won’t abandon you once the space is found. Otherwise, you might find yourself between a rock and a hard place – or as we like to say, between an RFP and a lease.

About the Author

Lynn Drake’s status is well known in the industry: She’s the commercial realtor focused on maintaining “true north” for her corporate clients. It’s a reputation built on 35 years of commercial real estate experience. Lynn became a commercial realtor in 2001 after 15 years in corporate real estate. Thus far in her career, Lynn has successfully completed over 1,500 real estate transactions ranging from small business tenant leases to the sale and purchase of industrial complexes.