Category: agents



Why Should I Use an Agent?

A good agent knows the market and can save you a significant amount of time. On most purchases, I spend anywhere from 50 to 100 hours on a single transaction. Agents have access to tools, and possibly listings, that you would never know about without them. I believe everyone can ... Read More
February 26, 2019Lynn Drake


You will need a commercial agent, an attorney, a banker, an inspector, and possibly someone who handles construction. If you are going to hire a commercial agent, do some research on who to hire. Most people think that every licensed real estate agent has the same experience, but that simply isn’t ... Read More
February 12, 2019Lynn Drake


How do you hire a commercial real estate agent?Thank you for your requesting your copy of "How to Hire a Commercial Realtor." Click on the link to access the article.If we can help you in any way, feel free to contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at 248-817-5400.  
June 18, 2018Lynn Drake