Big words created by real estate firms

Big words created by real estate firms

Recently, I got a call from a prospective tenant asking me for something I had never heard of before. After 30 years in the business, I thought I had heard it all! Together, we reviewed our process so she could identify what it was she needed.  Turns out this client needed to determine how much square footage they needed, both today and in the future.  The broker had given them some long complicated name to make it sound like something much bigger than it actually was.  There was also a hefty price tag associated with the work. Unfortunately, this is quite common in our business.  I was once hired by a major hospital, and when I asked why I was hired, they told me I communicated with them in words they could understand. Our business has enough verbiage all our own—no one needs to make up their own definitions to further confuse people.  When in doubt, remember KISS: keep it simple silly.

About the Author

Lynn Drake’s status is well known in the industry: She’s the commercial realtor focused on maintaining “true north” for her corporate clients. It’s a reputation built on 35 years of commercial real estate experience. Lynn became a commercial realtor in 2001 after 15 years in corporate real estate. Thus far in her career, Lynn has successfully completed over 1,500 real estate transactions ranging from small business tenant leases to the sale and purchase of industrial complexes.